Saturday, January 30, 2016

Take Classes at Hogwarts-- Seriously.

I am so incredibly excited to report that taking online classes at Hogwarts is a possibility. Not only that, but it is free (donations are accepted) and there are actual classes you can enroll in, taught by actual professors and actual assignments lovingly graded by prefects. First years take the same classes Potter himself took: Astronomy (ASTR101); Charms (CHRM101); Defense Against The Dark Arts (DADA101); Herbology (HERB101); History of Magic (HOM101); Potions (PTNS101); and Transfiguration (TNFG101). What a Fun Summer activity for kiddo-parent bonding! There is even a social side where you can start clubs (chat room style) and have study sessions with other die-hard Potter fans! Whaaat!

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