Thursday, January 14, 2016

Possibly the most amazing dinner food.

On Pinterest as always, I found a pic of the most amazing meat dish. Its homemade meatballs, wrapped in onion, wrapped in bacon, topped with BBQ sauce. **angels siiiing** So on my way home from work I grabbed all the necessary ingredients and, at the last moment, grew fat conscious and got ground turkey instead of ground beef. I could not bring myself to substitute the real bacon for turkey, though. :-) Find the original recipe I used here. Here is my version:

1/2c breadcrumbs
1/2c parmesan cheese
1 egg
1lb. ground turkey
salt to taste
2 yellow onions
12 strips bacon.
BBQ sauce.

Preheat oven to 425 and mix breadcrumbs, egg, parmesan, salt and ground turkey. Cut top and bottom off onions and peel off filmy outer layers. Chop onion in half and peel layers apart (See pic.) I got three "shells" from each onion, but it varies. I then took small handfuls of the meat mix and placed them in the onion shell. Wrap bacon around and secure with toothpicks. Place in an oven safe dish with sides (This will get greasy) and bake for 40 mins. Remove from oven, slather on BBQ sauce and bake for 5 additional minutes.

Meat in the onion "shell" before bacon

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