I love all kinds of DIY stuff and bath products are the absolute pinnacle of my DIY ambitions. This is the most amazing bath bomb recipe because its full of awesome skin care stuff and fizzes up beautifully in the tub. I've been making them this way forever. Typically, I make my bombs in one of those clear plastic Christmas ornaments from Michaels, but since its Valentine's day is coming up and I had these handy heart shaped ice cube molds from IKEA, I thought this would be perfect. You will need...
1/2c Baking soda
1/4c Epsom salts
1/4c Citric Acid
1/4c Corn Starch
3tsp Castor Oil
1tbsp water
1tbsp Essential Oil
Couple drops food color
Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Separately combine castor oil, fragrance, color and water. Begin pouring wet into dry in very small amounts while whisking. Don't just dump it all in, you don't want to activate the fizz. (You will see when you pour small bits of wet in, it will make a small fizzy reaction. That's OK as long as you whisk it in quickly.)
When you've poured it all in, it should start to look and feel like sand, but should pack down easily when you put pressure on it with your hands-- think brown sugar consistency.
When it looks like the picture above, you can start to press into your molds. Spray your molds with no-stick cooking spray, especially if they are detailed, and start packing in with small layers, pressing it in evenly so that you get a nice, full result when you take your bombs out. When your done, stick them in a cool dry place overnight to dry and you will have an adorable DIY teacher gift!
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